
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night.

Thanks for visiting the site!

So what's this all about?

Geekden blog is a joint knowledge base of information, that over time will aim to cover a wide range of topics.

The name Geekden was first used as an internal DNS and domain name for a lab environment in 2014. (geekden.local) ouch!

The roots of the name come from a gaming clan 'Freshbox Gaming' While writing the description on YouTube the word 'geeks' was prominent.

The name Geekden is now used for a range of computing services and consultancy.

The blog side of Geekden has been created to help and try and create an understanding across multiple topics.

Critiquing a person or an idea is a common and easy thing to do. However, creating something valuable and meaningful is much harder.

This blog was created as a platform to share useful and interesting information that my colleagues and friends have found.

I hope you also find it informative and enjoyable!


I am Josh. If you don't know me, let me introduce myself.

Most people call me Josh, and some call me the Professor. Some say I'm on the roof!

I'm currently working as a Technical Architect for a FTSE 100 company that works closely with Aerospace.

When I am not at work, I usually spend my time either working on my four cars, running, shooting, or tending to the data center that has appeared next to my office.

Managing Asperger's Syndrome can be quite challenging but I always strive to make the most of it.