Tech - So, Bye Bye ESXI?

Tech - So, Bye Bye ESXI?

So a bit of a clickbait title I know...

So as I'm sure unless you've been living under a rock, VMware has been bought out by Broadcom.

This has created a panic over the pricing increases moving from a perpetual to a subscribing-based pricing model.

But the entire TL:DR...

If you are a larger enterprise then the move could not be worth it, especially if you are locked into the entire VMware/ESX/vSAN world I would say the pricing increase versus what else is out there is quite hard to find.

But the ultimate nail in the coffin the is end of ESXI being free.

If your smaller enterprise or like Geekden has been using <10 ESX hosts then this could leave you slightly confused on what is the right thing to do.

Well, it's a question that has been asked and I think it's time to write up what is worth moving to!

More coming soon!