Tech - Reset iLO 5 Password - ESXI

Tech - Reset iLO 5 Password - ESXI


I'd like to illustrate that I'm using HPE Custom Image for ESXi 8.0U2.

hponcfg is not available in a standard ESXi image..

To enable SSH on ESXi, follow the steps below:

Navigate to;


When logged in, open Actions.

Yours will say Enable Secure Shelll (SSH)

Then using Putty:

SSH to the ESXI HOST!!! Not the iLO interface.

Login as root

Change directory using:

cd /opt/tools

For this, we will be working from /opt/tools.


./hponcfg -w current.xml

Expected output!


cat current.xml

You can see here that we have the user Administrator.

Lets sodding reset it!

In this example, I'm using vi as a text editor!

If you are not familiar with using vi, it's essential to proceed with caution and carefully read all prompts.

<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="Administrator" PASSWORD="unknown">
<USER_INFO MODE="write">
<MOD_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
<PASSWORD value="Reset!Password!21"/>

Copy the script above into Notepad ++. CTRL+C the entire contents.

The new password for the Administrator account will be:


Then in the SSH session run:

vi reset.xml

In the putty window right click to paste!

It should look like that!

Now on your keyboard press 'ESC' and then type:


Finally, type:


When your ready to execute:

./hponcfg -f reset.xml

Try logging in!

Ahhh ya B8stard! Great!

Here is a help file for .\hponcfg

  -r,  --reset          Reset the Management Processor to factory defaults
  -b,  --reboot         Reboot Management Processor without changing any setting
  -f,  --file           Get/Set Management Processor configuration from "filename"
  -i,  --input          Get/Set Management Processor configuration from the XML input received through the standard input stream.
  -w,  --writeconfig    Write the Management Processor configuration to "filename"
  -a,  --all            Capture complete Management Processor configuration to the file. This should be used along with '-w' option
  -l,  --log            Log replies to "filename"
  -v,  --xmlverbose     Display all the responses from Management Processor
  -s,  --substitute     Substitute variables present in input config file
                        with values specified in "namevaluepairs"
  -g,  --get_hostinfo   Get the Host information
  -m,  --minfwlevel     Minimum firmware level
  -u,  --username       iLO Username
  -p,  --password       iLO Password

#hpe #hp #ilo #reset #interface #password #change #forgotpassword