Travel - Swiss Railway Clocks

Travel - Swiss Railway Clocks

I will sound a bit like Sheldon Cooper here but my Asperger's brain sometimes spots something strange.

Something that a "normal" person wouldn't gloss over or look at.

See when you travel in Switzerland even if you do happen to drive you 9/10 end up at a train station...

Come on look it's sodding 10 minutes to get across a city!

I mean come on if I want to get from A to B here sod driving the transport system is sodding amazing!

Anyway, here's the thing if you look up you'll see something like this:

So it's a clock?!

Yes. But if you look very closely. This clock does something interesting.

The second-hand stops every minute at the top of the clock!

(Credit: Video belongs to Artem)

A full sweep of the clock face only takes 58.5 seconds to complete!

But why is this?

The clock simply syncs a master clock meaning that all the clocks on the network are in sync.

Somewhat hypnotic to look at!

I enjoyed it so that much I ended up using it in Grafana (Future Post)!

Swiss clock in a panel.